Why I no longer blog with Google+ I'm not a frequent blogger. I've given blogging a go several times in the past five or so years, and it's never really stuck with me. Or rather, I've never really stuck with it. I've done self-hosted Wordpress, Drupal, and
stuff i love Apps I love - BeyondPod edition Not so very long ago, I used an iPad for a lot of things. One of those things was listen to podcasts. Now, the Apple podcast app came out about that time, and it was a train wreck. Nothing started, there was no way to manage a playlist, and half
stuff i love Apps I love - Pocket edition This is a ridiculous question, but have you ever found an article online that you wanted to read later? Bookmarks just don’t seem to fit the bill for me in that situation. A bookmark is a commitment. It means I want to keep this site around for reference into
stuff i love Apps I love - F.lux edition I’m a computer person. As a computer person, I’m often using my computer late into the evening, and it’s often one of the last things I look at before I head to bed. Sadly, staring at bright computer screens just before trying to sleep is not the
stuff i love Apps I love - Anki edition Memorization is a tricky beast. It comes in handy when learning a new programming language, a new computer program, a new set of papers with authors and dates, and lots of other places. When learning something you'll use every day, memorization comes naturally. I can pretty quickly learn
vim How to source one ftplugin from another I recently read an article about using Vim for writing prose. A lot of the tips there are really cool, but I don’t want or need them for all the types of files I write in. I do, however, use TeX and Markdown frequently, and who knows if I’
Busy Busy Life is busy. That is all. I am returning my blog here because I finally learned what Markdown means, so I can use it now with my sweet Jekyll blog. Wish I’d learned about that sooner. Of interest to possibly nobody but me, I’ve started to use Vim
Welcome to Summer (2012 Edition) So, it's that time of year. As a grad student, my summers aren't terribly different from my school years. I don't have class, but in its place I have a whole host of papers, projects, and milestones to work on. This summer I have
Misleading Conclusions There's a curse that comes with being a doctoral student. The curse is that I can rarely take the results of any study at face value. I suppose this has more to do with learning statistics than being a doctoral student, but nevertheless, I have a problem. So
Getting Older I guess I'm getting older, and trying to prove that I'm not is getting harder and harder every time. I'm not that old, but some things have definitely gotten more difficult for me in the last few years. I think having a kid really
Prepping for 01-01 It's that time again: New Year's Resolutions. I'm going to keep my list short and sweet this year. And hopefully simple and basic enough that I can actually do it. So here are my resolutions for the new year. * Become less of a consumer
Research Update It's been a while since I've posted anything to the blog, so I figured it's about time. Lately I've been working on getting IRB approval for my latest research project: training people on countermeasures to beat our lab's lie detector.
Do It (Tomorrow) - My new favorite To Do List So, I have to admit, I'm kind of obsessed with Lifehacker. There are just so many interesting tools and tips there, I can't get enough of reading it. Interestingly, some of my favorite tips and tricks on the site are related to productivity. Using to do
music Turntable.fm - My new Pandora In my never-ending quest to keep my ears occupied while I complete the more mundane tasks I have to do at work (like matrix multiplication by hand), I have discovered Turntable.fm. For those who don't know what it is, here's a quick breakdown. Turntable is
school Warning! Crazy semester ahead I realized during the first week of classes this week that I will be programming more this semester than I ever have in my life. For some reason I have decided to punish myself by choosing 4 classes that each require me to program in a different language. Here'
school Reflections on 20 years in school As I was heading out the door this morning to start classes once again at the University of Arizona, my wife pointed out to me that, including kindergarten, this would be my 20th first day of school. That's nuts! First of all, that made me feel a little
recipe Foodage - Asian Chicken and Noodles In our family, we have a tradition of me cooking Sunday dinner. Sometimes it's pretty basic, like some grilled cheese or spaghetti with canned sauce. Other times I go all out and pull out a recipe. I'll start posting some of the more delicious recipe'
jekyll Getting started with Jekyll If you are a regular visitor to this blog, you may have noticed that it's changed quite a bit. For some reason, my Wordpress installation decided to go ape on me, and I wasn't able to update anything. I tried wiping the whole thing out and
blogger How to add pictures to Blogger more easily If blog regularly on Blogger/Blogspot/whatever it's called, you have probably run into the frustration that is adding pictures to a post. While it is possible, it is certainly not an easy task to get pictures where you want them, with the text around them like you
mis510proj Very Basic SEO As part of a web computing class, a couple other students and I created a website called MyFlixList. As extra credit for the course, we were told to apply the things we learned about PageRank and SEO to become the top search result on Google for the term mis510proj. Here
homework mis510proj Part of a project for my web mining class at UA is to create a website using 5 different APIs to accomplish some sort of useful task. A group of us have created a site to queue up movies you want to see, and be able to see those movies
mendeley Mendeley In my quest to find the perfect tool to manage my ever-expanding library of PDFs, I discovered a tool called Mendeley. Here's a quick rundown of what Mendeley does for me: * Manages references - this is similar to EndNote. You can put references into folders based on topic,
hard boiled egg How to Boil and Peel an Egg «p>I love hard boiled eggs. Unfortunately, I don’t love peeling them because I usually end up with as much egg attached to the shell as not. I’ve scoured the globe looking for ways to avoid this frustration, and today, for the first time, I have cooked
adblock Best Google Chrome Extensions I've been using Google Chrome as my main browser pretty much since it came out. I love the minimal interface, bookmark sync, searching from the Omnibox, and the start page. Somewhat recently Chrome decided to jump on the extensions bandwagon, and I think it's great. Here
how to How to install Windows 7 from a Flash Drive I've got a netbook and a DVD image of Windows 7. I don't have a disc drive for the netbook, so I have to figure out a way to get Windows 7 onto a USB drive to install from. Thanks to this site, I was able